LGIA Mission
The Lake Gogebic Improvement Association exists for the sole purpose of monitoring the lake and maintaining and improving its wellbeing. With members and volunteers from other organizations, it monitors the quality of the water, works to control and eradicate terrestrial invasive plants and shrubs and with the assistance of the Forest Service and Bergland Township provides boat washing and boater education of aquatic invasive species. It also provides fish cribs and positions them in the lake to improve the fish habitat. We’ve even added loon nesting platforms in an effort to grow our population of this beautiful, popular bird.
The LGIA has the benefit of working with a number of partner organizations which assist in accomplishing many of our objectives; Upper Peninsula Power Company (UPPCO), White Water Associates, US Forest Service, MDNR and Bergland and Marenisco Townships. The association also belongs to a number of related organizations; Michigan Lakes Stewardship Association (MLSA), Westerrn Peninsula Invasives Coalition (WePIC), Michigan Swimmers Itch Partnership (MISIP), Coordinated Lakes Monitoring Program (CLMP) and others.
The Lake Gogebic Improvement Association is not a homeowners association. In fact, you don’t have to live on the lake to be a member. If you love Lake Gogebic and wish to see it maintained in its current state, then you can be a member, too.
Speaking with one voice for the wellbeing of Lake Gogebic.
Protect Lake Gogebic